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Hard copy pre-sale open!

By: Cas | Posted on: 02-07-2015

I've been very busy the last few weeks with the hard copy version of my Air Compressor Troubleshooting Guide. Here's a little update. Of course, I tried to make it the best possible, high quality book that I could, while still keeping the price low. Over the past few weeks I've been in contact with several printers and received several samples, with different bindings, paper quality, covers, paper sizes, etc. Here are the final specs:

  • US Letter size (for all non-Americans, it's similar to A4 size).
  • Coil bound - so you can safely flip it open completely.
  • Plastic front and back covers - to keep your book safe from dirty compressor rooms
  • Thick, gloss-coated paper - again, protects again dirty compressor rooms

I'm very happy with the end result, the book feels very solid and weights around 835 grams (that's around 1.85 pounds!). And some pictures:[caption id="attachment_9480" align="alignnone" width="500"]Two different coil sizes. I will be using the smaller one. Two different coil sizes. I will be using the smaller one.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_9481" align="alignnone" width="500"]Thick, gloss coated paper Thick, gloss coated paper[/caption] ### Finishing up

I will have to do a little more editing to get everything perfect in print and order one last sample. After that, we're ready to go! I'm really happy that I can almost ship this book in hard-copy form, after all the requests I have received for it. It was a lot more work than anticipated, but well worth it I think. ### Order the book with 23% discount

The pre-order is now open! All pre-orders will get a whopping 23% discount. Simply order during the pre-order period to claim your discount. Click here to go to the sales page and pre-order now!

Shipping day

My best estimate right now is that shipping can start as soon as the 15th of July, maybe even sooner. And at the very, very latest at the end of July. Stay tuned! All the best, Cas


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