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Air Compressor Buying Guide

In this air compressor buying guide I will tell you exactly what to look for when buying a new air compressor. I will cover the basic specifications and help you find the right type of air compressor for you. Does this sound like you?

  • You want to buy an air compressor but you are overwhelmed by the many choices and the many types of air compressors?
  • You want to buy an air compressor, but you're not sure where?
  • You are afraid you buy the wrong type, the wrong size or the wrong air compressor model.
  • You don't know if you need a single-stage, two-stage or rotary screw air compressor.

Don't worry, you've come to the right place. Welcome to the air compressor buying guide!

In this air compressor buying guide you will learn:

  • What the right type of air compressor is for you.
  • What the right size air compressor is for you.
  • How to save money on your air compressor purchase.
  • How to save money in the long run: energy costs and maintenance costs
  • What options you need and don't need
  • The most common mistakes when buying an air compressor.

Ready? Let's go!

The right air compressor for you

There are so many types and models of air compressors available, it's easy to get confused. And besides the many models and sizes, there are extra options like dryers and filters. Don't worry. Once you know what to look for, buying the right air compressor is fairly simple and straight forward process. Read article: What type of compressor do I need?

Pressure vs Capacity

The right type of air compressor for you, and the right model/size depends largely on the required pressure and capacity. It's important to know the difference between pressure and capacity, and how they work together. Read article: Pressure and Capacity

Overview of Rotary Screw Brands and Series

There are a quite few compressor manufacturers that are of interest to us. These manufacturers all have different series (or lines) of screw compressors. They differ in capacity, pressure or options (but they are all rotary screw compressors). To make sense of the available screw compressors available to you, I have created this overview. Continue: Overview of rotary screw air compressor Manufacturers, series and models

Buying your air compressor

By now you should have a fairly good idea of: - Which type of air compressor is right for you

  • The pressure you need
  • The capacity you need.

Now it's time to go find that perfect air compressor for you!

I have created two buying guides for you: the reciprocating air compressor buying guide and the rotary screw air compressor buying guide.

Reciprocating air compressor buying guide

The easiest way to find the perfect reciprocating air compressor! Click here to check out my reciprocating buying guide. It shows you:

  • The difference between single stage, dual stage and duplex air compressors.
  • Whether to get a belt-driven or a direct-drive unit.
  • What duty cycle is, and why it's important.
  • The pros and cons of the various makes and models available on the market.

Furthermore I have created an overview, sorted by pressure and capacity, of all mayor reciprocating air compressor manufacturers.

Of course, I included the best places to buy these machines at a discount! Go to my reciprocating compressor buying guide now

Rotary screw air compressor buying guide

The easiest way to find the perfect rotary screw compressor! [Click here](/air-compressor-buying-guide/rotary-screw-air-compressor-buying-guide/ "Rotary screw air compressor buying guide) to check out my rotary screw compressor buying guide. It shows you:

  • How to save huge amounts of energy in the long run (big deal!)
  • The options you need (Variable speed drive, air dryers, fillters, condensate traps, etc).
  • The pros and cons of the various makes and models available on the market.

Furthermore I have created an overview, sorted by pressure and capacity, of all mayor rotary screw air compressor manufacturers.

Of course, I included the best paces to buy these machines at a discount! Go to my rotary screw compressor buying guide now