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Back from holidays

By: Cas | Posted on: 07-09-2015

Hi guys, Just a quick update. I just got back from a week long holiday in Hong Kong. Which was really awesome by the way. Very, very busy and I even spotted some big air compressors :) (but no time to take a picture). [caption id="attachment_10703" align="alignnone" width="300"]20150907005319 Hong Kong Island at night[/caption] So the emails have been piling up last weeks, since I didn't have access to my email account (which was kind if nice for a change)... the coming days I will be busy answering all emails and answering all the unanswered questions in the troubleshooting section. If you haven't heard back from me yet.. be patient :) I'm also busy working on the new air compressor training courses and any feedback on that is still very welcome :) All the best, Cas


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