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why does my compressor temperature increase?

  • Question Title: why does my compressor temperature increase?
  • Asked by: Rakesh kumar
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

why does my compressor temperature increase?

Answers & Replies

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This can have several reasons.
Please first let me know your compressor room temperature. If it is above 35 degrees Celsius, try to lower it first.

Make sure the compressor takes in fresh outside air by installing ducting for example.

If the compressor room temperature is OK and the compressor received adequate cooling, check some things on your compressor:

  1. Check the oil level
  2. Check the hose going to and from your oil cooler. Are they hot?
  3. Check the cooling fan, is it running?

Please let me know and I'll try to help you here.


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