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Pressures up, wont run tire machine | Air Compressor Guide
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Pressures up, wont run tire machine

  • Question Title: Pressures up, wont run tire machine
  • Asked by: Paige Michener
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

I have the Champion R158V7-A3, I am having a problem having it run my tire machine ever since the power went out at my shop. I drained about 4-5 litres of water out of the tank and then it kicked on. It will pressurize the tank but will not pressure up enough to make the tire machine work at all. I have tried closing the valves from by the tire machine and re-pressurizing the air compressor and it will hold enough air in the lines to very weakly run the tire machine for about 2 minutes until it runs completely out of air.

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