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minim flow | Air Compressor Guide
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minim flow

  • Question Title: minim flow
  • Asked by: Guest
  • Asked On:
  • Answers: 1

My compressor doesn't give enough flow anymore.

I have already changed/checked inlet valve, blow off valve, filter kit and oil separator kit..

What's the problem with my air compressor?

Answers & Replies



You first have to find out if the problem is with the compressor or that you are just using more compressed air then before.

If you use more air than the compressor can supply, the pressure will drop.

If the problem is with the compressor, check the following:

  • check filters (you already did that)

  • check/replace oil separator (you already did that)

  • check inlet valve (you already did that)

  • If you have a compressed air dryer (refrigerated type), check its operation. The dew point should be around 4 degrees.

If the dew point is below zero, water in the compressed air will freeze and eventually, the dryer will be filled with ice on the inside (and no compressed air can pass anymore)

  • The compressor element itself could be out of order. Does your compressor make abnormal or less noise that normal? The life of the screw element is normally about 40.000 running hours.

That's all I could think of right now. Please let me know how it works out.

Good luck!

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